BKS Iyengar Yoga Centre South Africa
Schoemanshoek, Oudtshoorn, Western Cape

© 2025 BKS Iyengar Yoga Centre, Oudtshoorn. All rights reserved.
Body in Motion©
A workbook of Iyengar Yoga Asanas and Sequences for beginners to create, understand and practice Iyengar Yoga at home. The project will be divided into individual courses - progressive in nature.
The first course of this set of practice guides introduces the beginner to the basic asanas to be practiced over a course of 12 weeks.
The guide clearly demonstrates the use of props in the basic asanas and shows a variety of adaptations of the poses with the use of the wall and other props.
Once your home practice has become regular and you are able to perform the asanas should you proceed to the next courses. The hope is that these practice guides will keep your practice interesting and fun so that you will continue to evolve your practice.
What is this yoga practice guide all about?
No matter how many classes you go to, no matter how many sun salutations you roll through and Chaturangas you inflict on yourself, a yoga practice does not truly flourish unless you practice on your own. It is, after all, you and the poses, you and the breath and you and your fundamental essential Self. In this workbook “Body in Motion for Beginners,” we have brought together several resources to guide you, inspire you and motivate you to start and maintain a home practice.
The courses presented in the book are progressive and can be practiced individually or tailored to the needs of the student. Our primary purpose in creating the Beginners Handbook is not to dictate how you do the poses, but to share with you a way of practicing that deepens your awareness and understanding. Even if a teacher’s word helps you, you cannot depend on them alone. Each of us needs to re-interpret what we experience in our own language. This is especially true for teachers so that we can pass on the gift to those that follow.
Guide to your yoga practice
These courses will take you from simple to complex asanas. Follow the sequences listed for each week as this not only makes the practice more effective but also minimizes the possibility of any injury or strain. Practicing asanas in the prescribed order enhances the effectiveness, as well as your experience of each asana. Understanding the significance of sequencing takes time. Follow the course week-by-week until you feel confident enough to develop your own sequence.
Formulating your own practice
All the asanas listed in this beginner's book “Body in Motion” are simple poses made even easier with props. Practice the asanas against a wall; once you feel comfortable in a pose, only then practice without the support. Place the hand on a block for the standing asanas, instead of the floor. Attempt Salamba Sirsasana I, Salamba Sarvangasana I and Halasana with support, then without any support.
As your muscles and joints become more supple, props will not be needed and
you will be able to progress slowly to the classic poses without the use of props.
This guide contains
over 200 photographs on 59 pages.
The pdf.file is 32MB and will be sent to you via Dropbox
Here's how you purchase this guide
Click on the PayPal "Click here to buy Course 1" link below
Pay US $15.95 via PayPal - see link below
You will receive it as a DropBox link which you can download
I will send the link to your email address
If you have not received your link after a day, please send me an email. Remember the response is NOT automated - you will hear from me personally - allow for different time zones!
If you have any difficulties write to me a info@iyengaryogawithdavid.com

Inside the guide

Easy pose

Urdhva Hastasana in Tadasana
Upward arms in mountain pose

Chair Uttanasana
Intense stretch of legs and spine pose

Chair Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana
Two-feet inverted staff pose
Plough pose

Gomukhasana in Vajrasana
Face-of-cow arms in thunderbolt pose

Rope Utthita Parsvakonasana
Extended side-angle pose

Rope Vrksasana
Tree pose

Practice tips
Throughout the guide you will find hints on how to perform the pose with a specific props, determine the correct height for shoulder balance, as well as why and how the chair can be used effectively.
Body in Motion©
Course 2
A workbook of Iyengar Yoga Asanas and Sequences for beginners to create,
understand and practice Iyengar Yoga at home.
The second course of this set of practice guides introduces the beginner to more of the basic asanas to be practiced over a course of 12 weeks. Each week is a complete and balanced sequence. The guide clearly demonstrates the use of props in the basic asanas and shows a variety of adaptations of the poses with the use of the wall and other props. Restorative asanas are included as well as introducing Salamba Sirsasana I variations.
Once your home practice has become regular and you are able to perform the asanas should you proceed to the next courses. The hope is that these practice guides will keep your practice interesting and fun so that you will continue to evolve your practice.
This guide contains over 300 photographs on 74 pages.
The pdf.file is 31MB and will be sent to you via Dropbox
Here's how you purchase this guide
Click on the PayPal "Click here to buy Course 2 " link below
Pay US $15.95 via PayPal - see link below
You will receive it as a DropBox link which you can download
I will send the link to your email address
If you have not received your link after a day, please send me an email. Remember the response is NOT automated - you will hear from me personally - allow for different time zones!
If you have any difficulties write to me a

Virabhadrasana III
warrior III pose

Salamba Purvottanasana
supported east body stretch pose

Chair Ardha Sirsasana
half head balance pose
Inside the guide

Urdvha Baddhangulyasana Virasana
upward bound fingers in hero pose

Chair Bharadvajasana
Bharadvaja pose (straddle)

Chair Parighasana
gate pose

Salamba Sirsasana I
supported head balance pose

Chair Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
revolved side-angle pose

Paripurna Navasana
boat pose

Chair Salamba Adho Mukha Swastikasana
supported downward facing easy pose

Salamba Adho Mukha Janu Sirsasana
supported downward facing head-to-knee pose
Body in Motion©
Course 3
A workbook of Iyengar Yoga Asanas and Sequencesfor beginners to create, understand and
practice Iyengar Yoga at home.
The third course of this series of practice guides covers 7 weeks of practice. This course breaks down the individual weeks into a further 7 practice days. The basic asanas are further explored with the use of props; inversions, as well as some basic backbends, are introduced.

This guide contains over 700 photographs on 210 pages.
The pdf.file is 243MB and will be sent to you via Dropbox
Here's how you purchase this guide
Click on the PayPal "Click here to buy Course 3 " link below
Pay US $15.95 via PayPal - see link below
You will receive it as a DropBox link which you can download
I will send the link to your email address
If you have not received your link after a day, please send me an email. Remember the response is NOT automated - you will hear from me personally - allow for different time zones!
If you have any difficulties write to me
A peak what is inside this guide

“It is through your body, that you realize you are a spark of divinity” BKS Iyengar
Body in Motion©
A guide to Intermediate Yoga Sequences
A compilation of Iyengar Yoga Asanas and Sequencesfor Seasoned practitioners for a more advanced
practice Iyengar Yoga at home.
This guide contains
104 pages and 10 series of more than 100 balanced and complete sequences
and will be sent to you via Dropbox
Here's how you purchase this guide
Click on the PayPal "Click here to buy Body in Motion Intermediate Course " link below
Pay US $15.95 via PayPal - see link below
You will receive it as a DropBox link which you can download
I will send the link to your email address
If you have not received your link after a day, please send me an email. Remember the response is NOT automated - you will hear from me personally - allow for different time zones!
If you have any difficulties write to me