BKS Iyengar Yoga Centre South Africa
Schoemanshoek, Oudtshoorn, Western Cape

© 2025 BKS Iyengar Yoga Centre, Oudtshoorn. All rights reserved.
In Memoriam
Hans Jürgen Meusel
(05.05.55 - 21.11.20)
Jürgen was co-founder/owner of the BKS Iyengar Yoga Centre in Oudtshoorn, and a corner stone to it's success over the many years. Jürgen together with David built a successful community of students who soon grew to become friends.
It goes without saying that Jurgen was a highly respected and hugely loved member of the yoga community in South Africa and abroad. Not a mention goes by when people refer to his passion and purpose, warmth and compassion and lest us forget - his joviality and humour. Everybody who ever met him felt embraced by his human connection.
Tragically in November 2020, Jürgen fell victim to the COVID pandemic - a tragic loss for David, his family, their students and the yoga community at large.
Jürgen will forever be remembered for his dedication and support to David and his yoga discipline and as celebration of his legacy, David will continue to teach in Memoriam, lest we forget.