BKS Iyengar Yoga Centre South Africa
Schoemanshoek, Oudtshoorn, Western Cape
© 2025 BKS Iyengar Yoga Centre, Oudtshoorn. All rights reserved.
Retreats 2014
Teacher Training
Our mission: to provide the opportunity our students to become above average yoga teachers. This well developed is steeped in self-discovery and healing. We will be offering a practical, empowering, comprehensive and rewarding module program twice a year.
This is more than a course - it's an experience.
Residential teachers training Oudtshoorn
Please note that we will no longer be taking
in new students for our residential training program
Contact us if you are interested in furthering your studies of Iyengar Yoga
BKS Iyengar Yoga Centre Oudtshoorn is the largest Iyengar yoga-based retreat Centre in Africa offering aspiring teachers the opportunity to learn in a unique immersion environment in breathtaking surroundings at the foothills of the Swartberg mountains, in the Klein Karoo
Practical training requirements for residential teachers training
(country student teachers)
Qualifying requirements:
In order to be accepted as a student teacher at the Introductory level, the applicant must have met with the following requirements:
1.) Hold a current, paid-up membership of the BKS Iyengar Yoga Institute of Southern Arica;
2.) Have practiced Iyengar yoga with a qualified Iyengar yoga teacher for at least 3 years, prior to the application of this course;
3.) Pass the readiness test set by the regional training group;
4.) Have submitted a completed application form and supplied any supplementary information requested together wit the course fees, and the signed questionnaire from his/her certified Iyengar yoga teacher of at least five (5) years standing;
5.) Commit to attain a valid C.P. training certificate during year one and maintain the validity of this certificate
During each year of the three year residential course (country) student teachers are required to:
1.) Attend at least 30 hours of general classes with an approved, certified teacher in a Centre chosen by the student;
2.) Attend approved teacher training with a qualified Iyengar yoga teacher trainer, including Pranayama for a minimum of 36 hours per annum (two semesters residential teachers training);
3.) Attend an observation class in a chose Centre at the end of year one;
4.) Attend a full preliminary assessment at the end of second and third years in a designated venue;
5.) Record in the provided log-book details of all personal practice undertaken – not less than 300 hour per year;
For more information about the guidelines as well as the constitution of the organisation, please follow this link
Inside the Centre
The teaching program is rooted in the study of fundamental teaching skills, integrated alignment and philosophy, and dives into the great river of Yoga.
Thank you to our teachers, B.K.S Iyengar, Geeta S. Iyengar,
Prashant S. Iyengar and all teachers who have inspired us
Offical certification mark
Becoming a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher
Becoming a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher requires years of practice, study and a rigorous examination of skills. For teachers, the Certification Mark demonstrates a commitment to maintaining the purity, excellence and high standards of Iyengar Yoga.
Certified Iyengar Yoga instructors teach the method set forth by B. K. S. Iyengar
without mixing in other styles or disciplines.
They maintain a regular personal practice; continue their training with senior teachers or by traveling to the Iyengar institute in India, and hold to ethical guidelines.
Every Certified Iyengar Teacher has passed at least two rigorous, standardized assessments. Some have passed many more.
Becoming Iyengar Yoga teacher begins with long term, thorough and dedicated practice.
One is a student of Iyengar Yoga for many years before becoming a teacher. Only after three years' study, and after developing a relationship with a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher who agrees to become a mentoring teacher, may the candidate begin the application process. In the assessment process itself, candidates are carefully observed and evaluated as they demonstrate asanas and Pranayamas and as they teach a class of students.
In addition to the ethical guidelines given above, certain broader considerations which are essential to maintaining the integrity and vitality of the teaching of B.K.S. Iyengar
are given here to serve as a guide to teachers.
First, it is most important that all teachers of Iyengar Yoga keep in mind that what unites us as a community is an allegiance to a magnificent body of knowledge. Within this community, B.K.S. Iyengar has a special and unique status as the originator and developer of this body of knowledge.
He is called “Guruji” by his students as an acknowledgement of this status,
which can be his alone within this community.
Second, B.K.S. Iyengar has freely shared his knowledge and understanding; the result is the system we know as “Iyengar Yoga.” It is misappropriation for anyone to hoard or otherwise manipulate this knowledge in order to increase his or her status, personal power, or financial gain.
Third, it is in the nature of any teaching that students are receptive to the teacher. Automatically, a certain power is invested in the teacher. Moreover, it is an appropriate role of a teacher to seek to arouse enthusiasm for the subject in the students—to draw them in, as it were.
In the case of a yoga teacher, because the subject is a highly personal one, the teacher may appear to have exceptional personal powers. In this situation, teachers can very easily become proud or confused, mistaking the powers vested in them by the teaching situation and by the subject of yoga for personal powers or personal merits. Teachers need to develop a fine discrimination in this regard.
Fourth, teachers must always bear in mind that their role is to transmit knowledge and understanding. It is the teacher’s responsibility to refuse an inappropriate relationship with a student.
The teacher’s relationship to a student is analogous to that of a parent to a child.
Finally, the ethical conduct of the teacher inside and outside the classroom is a model for the conduct of the students and that power must be used constructively. In addition, the conduct of any teacher of Iyengar Yoga, insofar as he or she is known as an Iyengar Yoga teacher, reflects on the whole community of Iyengar yoga teachers, on the discipline in which we practice, and on B.K.S. Iyengar, Geeta Iyengar, and Prashant Iyengar themselves. Becoming a teacher of Iyengar Yoga thus involves a broad ethical responsibility. All of us have personal weaknesses. Hence, each national and regional association of teachers of Iyengar Yoga, as well as the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute, has an ethics committee to uphold the standards of conduct set forth above.
The Assessment Process
Assessment is a rigorous, standardized testing process, which includes an observed practice of asanas and pranayamas, a written exam that includes anatomy and yogic philosophy, and a demonstration of teaching skills in which candidates teach students
a predetermined sequence of asanas.
Having passed their initial assessment, teachers may identify themselves as Introductory II teachers in the Iyengar Method. Only teachers who have passed the Introductory II assessments are entitled to identify themselves as Certified Teachers and to use the Certification Mark.
Teachers not certified in the Iyengar method should not use the name Iyengar.
All are asked to respect this.
Supported Asanas
Supported asanas are restful and
tone the body with minimum effort
They should not be underestimated,
as they have a powerful physiological effect.
They nourish the nervous system and increase efficiency of the glandular system,
which us essential for physical and mental health.
The inner organs stay for some time in positions where they are massaged - hidden parts of the body and cells
are therefore activated.
Students and teachers cannot afford to neglect these tremendously beneficial postures.
Geeta Iyengar says that Yoga is meant for everyone and no one should be excluded rom it, however we have to practice according to our mental, spiritual and physical capacity. Yoga is meant to give us a way to discover or rediscover ourselves.
Modern day life tends to dictate the way we live our lives. Hard work and little or no time for sleep. We hardly ever rest or take time to consciously recover to regain our spent energy.
Unlike sleep during restorative yoga, the body is consciously and actively relaxed, the organs and overall body is rejuvenated. Regular blood pressure is restored, our immune systems improved, digestion, elimination and metabolism regulated. Restoring the body during restful and conscious relaxation, our energy levels are replenished; we overcome muscle tension, fatigue and decrease stress. With the use of various props we can both stimulate and relax the whole body and return balance.
A well constructed restorative yoga sequence should contain amongst others gentle backbends, supported forward bends and modified inversions to calm the nerves and recharge the body’s energy. The rewards go beyond the physical. Practice a soothing and balanced restorative practice at the end of a long day, in the middle of a stressful week or whenever you want to restore balance in your life. It uses conscious breathing – the direct link between our body and our mind – to move us into deeper levels of concentration and relaxation. The is not to become perfect but to become whole again. As the body lets go of stress and the mind quiets its constant dialogue, you come closer to understanding who you truly are and connecting with your true Self.
This 5-day training program will provide you with some of the practical , essential tools, as well as hands-on training to enable you to effectively adjust students in the asanas.
You will also learn construct restorative sequences, as well as being able to adapt the asanas for specific needs such as pregnancy, menstruation and menopause. Emotional and physical benefits of restorative yoga will become evident in their specially designed sequences.
A perquisite to be accepted into the program is the basic study of our guide "Relaxed Body - Relaxed Mind" is available on our website.
Course Details
Dates to be announced
COURSE DATES – 2019/20
07h00 – 12h00 Asana practice
12h00 – 14h00 Break
14h00 – 17h00 Asana practice
R10,000 for 10days